Persona 5
Despite being a very inclusive game overall, Persona 5 falls short in a few ways when it comes to LGBT representation. In one scene, a pair of unnamed gay men approach the protagonist Ryuji and hit on him at a beach in a way that’s pretty much predatory and paints gay people as sex-hungry perverts.
Thankfully, this scene was changed in the Persona 5 Royal update to avoid being offensive. But it still lingers as an example of how some video gay games mistreat LGBTQ characters. Then there’s Celeste.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Video gay games aren’t always the best at handling LGBT themes, but there are some amazing stories that show the community in positive light. Ellie in The Last of Us is an amazingly well-written, relatable character that is meaningful for players. Blizzard’s shooter, Overwatch, has a lovable, openly gay character in Tracer. She’s a true role model and is the face of the gay video porn game. The sexy, feminine nature of her personality makes her a great representation for LGBTQ gamers. Similarly, Krem in Dragon Age Inquisition is an openly transgender character.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
There’s a lot of stuff going on in Ocarina of Time, from gender-bending monsters to the fact that Sheik is Princess Zelda in drag. But the biggest question is Link’s sexuality.
Nintendo has been criticized for not featuring same-sex romance and LGBT content in their gay video sex games. But that doesn’t mean developers aren’t trying to include those topics. Before ESRB ratings were established, Sega policed their games using a content code. Their system was more liberal than Nintendo’s, allowing games to contain blood, female enemies and sexy references.
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
In this video, Johnathan Holmes takes a comical approach to the question of whether the flamboyant Ghirahim in Skyward Sword can turn children gay. It’s a funny video, but I think the issue here is more complicated than he makes it out to be.
Sometimes, queer representation needn’t be explicit to have impact. It can be found in subtle ways like Hassel and Brassius’s relationship in Desta: The Memories Between Us, or more overtly with the gender nonconforming elf in Tomb Raider. These are just two examples of a larger trend that has been emerging in video gay porn games over the years.
Video gay porn games
Final Fantasy VII
Remakes have become a staple of the gaming industry, thanks to advances in hardware that allow players to revisit beloved titles with fresh coats of paint. While remakes may not be original, they often provide a chance for developers to reconsider the way they treat their gay game’s characters.
For instance, Final Fantasy VII’s version of Dion raises the bar for queer representation in the franchise. He reminds Cloud and players alike that “True beauty is found in the heart”. This change feels necessary given the series’ history of ignoring queer people.
Final Fantasy X
Unlike most games with LGBTQ characters, the blitzball star Tidus in Final Fantasy X is openly gay and not just a character option. This was the first game to include a flamboyant gay protagonist and it was well-received. Tidus and his pals sport early 2000s aesthetics, complete with baggy shorts and enough pop-punk wallet chains to sink a battleship. They embody a playful side of video gay games that isn’t usually seen. Their story also touches on issues of homophobia and mental health. A great combination of smart writing and easily relatable characters.
Final Fantasy XII
While eyes were rightfully rolled when Ellie from The Last of Us was touted as the first queer protagonist in an AAA game, it’s worth noting that there are actually plenty of LGBTQIA+ characters already in games. In Banjo-Tooie for the Nintendo 64, British video game developer Rare included a gay frog bartender called Jolly Roger. However, this was censored by Nintendo of America and removed from future appearances. Similarly, the 2017 visual novel Dream Daddy allows players to romance a cisgender male or a transgender female character. And in the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV, players can enter bonding ceremonies with anyone they want, regardless of their sex.
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Final Fantasy XIII
A lot of games feature sexuality as a secondary theme. It would be a triggering experience for homophobic gamers to have their female MC kiss another woman or have a lesbian character be fetishized. In the past, Nintendo policed their games for content censorship. Their censorship policies were more liberal than Sega’s initial content code system. They let in blood, more graphic violence and minor transgender and homosexual enemies. This censorship was later ended by the inclusion of ESRB ratings. Currently, Nintendo does not censor their games for content.
Gay games with video gay porn
Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV is an MMORPG with a comparatively large LGBT population and general friendliness towards said population. You can even get married to a non-binary person in the game, which is pretty cool. Some people point to characters like Alphinaud and Estinien as examples of queer representation, but that’s mostly just baiting. SE has a history of being cautious about explicitly shipping main cast members together. More recently, FFXIV players have partnered with Sydney Gaymers to make the MMO the first video gay fuck game to march as part of a float in the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras.
Final Fantasy XV
The Federation of Gay Games prides itself on offering a safe space where anyone can come together to participate in sports and cultural activities. The Festival Village will be the main meeting point for all participants, a place to socialize and enjoy local entertainment. Its pixel art may be outdated but this game’s story delivers a message that will stay with you long after the credits roll. It’s a tale of anxiety, fear, and love that feels authentic without coming off as preachy. The lead character, Noctis, is a hero through and through.
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